Wednesday, April 30, 2008

save your scissors

Today I really do feel as if my head is about to explode and amused to find that "exploding head syndrome" is indeed a disorder listed on Wikipedia. Everything is listed on Wikipedia.

My head will not explode--I'm just stressed and a little worn from a few late nights in the studio, early mornings writing papers, prepping for this installation (still trying to figure out the kinks), program prep, misc. millions of little things/errands, and now...unexpected conflict with a coworker.

Honestly, I'm have not been physically present or speak enough when I am to cause conflict with anyone. When I am around the rest of the staff, I generally don't talk and this is hardly something new. I keep to myself, get accomplished what needs to, do what people ask of me, and lend a supporting hand whenever I can. Other than that, I don't bother anyone...but apparently feathers have been ruffled in a rather dramatic way and it's now being made my problem.

I'm at a loss for what to do but I'm thinking that you just might not be able to appease everybody and in any case, I can only do the best I can.

I have too many legitimate concerns to focus on and the insanely negative bits of "conversation" and energy coming my way are an unnecessary waste of my energy. I simply don't have the time to deal with this.

On a more positive note: I turned in a final paper today. One down and four to go...

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