Thursday, April 17, 2008

Better Days

There are 11 days of class left and still a seemingly insurmountable amount of work to be done. I can't seem to think straight and though you would think the pressure of looming deadlines would inspire a superior work ethic, I find myself severely lacking focus.

This semester--this year has been and continues to be a year of tough lessons and a great deal of reflection. There have been early morning conversations I wouldn't trade for the world, nights curled up on the couch listening to my friend's twelve string trading song lyrics, afternoon runs with best friends, and drinks with old friends. I've grown "fearless" in some ways--unabashingly friendly, I talk to strangers without hesitation. Circumstance has forced the cultivation of a kind of comfortable solitary calmness both within and with myself that I don't remember ever having.

I have made mistakes from which I have learned to trust my own conscious and sense of self more than the opinions of others. I have challenged myself to stop downplaying my own aspirations and achievements. I no longer sweep my own needs and wants under the rug for the sake of others. More than anything, I have developed a kind of cautiousness regarding trust in others and a healthy confidence in myself.

I have nothing but kind wishes for everyone (yes everyone) who has entered my life in any way. I am thankful for the opportunities I've been given and the experiences I've had.

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